The National Institute for Integrative Healthcare is a leading-edge nonprofit dedicated to THERAPIES, to RESEARCH, and to EDUCATION in the fields of Energy Medicine and Energy Psychology. Emerging methods such as meditation, stress reduction, EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), and the Relaxation Response offer remarkable new potential for healing both emotional trauma and physical symptoms. NIIH studies these and other therapies which foster a vibrant connection between mind, body and spirit, and contribute to peak physical vitality.

Through its research projects and educational programs, NIIH investigates the epigenetic effect of intention, consciousness and energy in healing. Epigenetics is the new science describing influences that alter the expression of genes (epi=above; epigenetic=control of DNA from above or outside the gene). New research shows that consciousness (beliefs, emotions, optimism, altruism, visualization, prayer, energy, meditation) has epigenetic effects; NIIH is a leader in applying these methods for better health, happiness and longevity.

Heart Rate Variability (HRV) testing at The National Institute for Integrative Healthcare

The National Institute for Integrative Healthcare has several activities: RESEARCH through the Foundation for Epigenetic Medicine, COUNSELING especially the Iraq Vets Stres Project, PUBLISHING, in association with Energy Psychology Press, the peer-reviewed journal Energy Psychology: Theory, Research, & Treatment, and TRAINING through referrals to universites with courses in the field.

The National Institute for Integrative Healthcare also accepts tax-decuctible donations for the relief and humanitarian projects of EFT Global. The epigenetic stress reduction methods studied at The National Institute for Integrative Healthcare have been featured in many media stories.


Periodically, The National Institute for Integrative Healthcare presents the Epigenetic Medicine Award to a leading research scientist. The most recent award went to Randy Jirtle PhD, Professor of Radiation Oncology, Duke University